Project Development
- Concept development for entertainment centres, including zoning and design, for both new constructions and adaptations to existing buildings
- Expert evaluation of the market and possible risks
- Statement of the technique specifications for projection/reconstruction
- Adapting ready-made design projects to correspond to the conditions of local markets
- Budgeting and scheduling of all project phases
- Preparing the financial plan with transparent scheme of the reporting for investors
- Client Relation Management
- Full complex of construction, engineering, finishing and decoration works
- Project support: work supervision and quality control under established time frames and budget execution; recommendations and selection; supply of decorative materials and engineering equipment; participation in the process of selecting contractors in order to secure the best quality and price
- Establishing a maintenance department for post-services.
- Recommendations on equipment, including gaming tables, slot machines, IT, CCTV and F&B equipment
Business Development
- Market analysis and concept development
- Estimating revenues and expenditures of the operational budget
- Estimating return on investment
- Developing the organizational structure and internal policies and procedures
- Developing and implementing reporting systems
- Software recommendations – Casino Management, Slots Management, Staff Management, etc.
- Installing and testing equipment
- Developing marketing, loyalty and customer attraction programs, in addition to making recommendations for their implementation
- Staff recruitment, testing and training
- Recommendations for selecting staff uniform
- Recommendations for developing a salary structure and staff motivation programs
- Staff Assessment Program.
- Development and implementation of Mystery Guest programs
- Developing and setting up testing systems for policies and procedures
- Process analysis and overall assessment of the work
Consultancy Services
All consultancy services re directions mentioned above.